ng-objects! alpha

A free, open source, Java-based web development framework inspired by the design and principles of Apple's WebObjects. It's compatible with WebObjects deployment environments, allowing you to seamlessly deploy ng-objects applications to existing WO environments.


Our status

ng-objects is under development.

Development has progressed steadily over the past couple of years, and you could say we've reached a "make the API nice"-stage. But be sure that this is a long-term project, we want to get things as right as possible from the start to minimize annoying "API flux" once the libraries see real world use.

We currently plan to be ready for production use in the latter half of 2024, but you can definitely start checking it out now if you'd like to participate in the development process, even if just with ideas and feedback.

Oh, and of course this website runs on ng-objects and it's source is on github.


Status update
We have a nice exception page!
Looking for a name